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About Adam Faulkner

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/11/1983

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Coats -NC
  • Interests
    Gaming ?

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  1. Adam Faulkner


    I just wanted to post something. Who else comes back here?
  2. Not much bigger than giving a TV away at a LAN. Congrats yourself!
  3. ROFL We could do an 18+ section. I wonder if that would be hard to setup.
  4. Does Josh Rudd have a forum account? Does he have an email?
  5. how about posting more details here where the public can see it.
  6. Please keep it PG-13 If you want a forum to post junk you let me know and i will make one.
  7. Man you always got to push the buttons. Ill leave it up, just to bring some attention to it. Maybe we will just say. If the executives were doing their moderation jobs the forums would be more fun!
  8. Updates coming soon, please help with providing some feedback about the site if you find any errors.
  9. Please encourge your executives to use the forums. They are cool
  10. I saw that they are posting the mins in facebook. Great another thing facebook can lose. Please copy them here so they wont get lost.
  11. So it works just fine but the landing page is messed up. Well thats better than nothing!
  12. test i think this works
  13. i was hinting to the fact that facebook allows them to delete content when it doesn't need to be deleted. Lost in Facebook.
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