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About Dustin

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  • Birthday 05/21/1991

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    Erwin NC
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  1. A LAN Event is where a large group of people get together in intense gaming on a local area network. The overall idea is to have fun playing games while getting to know your community. This LAN Event consists of Console and PC game tournaments. Anyone is welcome to come out and play for free. However, tournaments have a fee of 5$. The prizes vary from games, gift cards, novelty and collective items. The event will be held at Western Carolina University at the University Center in the Illusions room and Grandroom. The doors open at 12pm and the first tournament starts at 2pm. The LAN lasts unti
  2. We had a great run this year after a fresh recharter of the club due to previous issues. This club has been brought back from its downfall and we had over 150 people at the first LAN of the semester and over 300 at the last LAN. I am proud of my executives trying so hard to build this club up and I appreciate all who came to the event. We are taking the summer to prepare for the fall semester and we already have some prizes. As we work to get wcugaming.com domain for the university to maintain, I would like everyone to keep the 1st or 2nd weekend of September in mind for the upcoming LAN.
  3. Attached are the COD rules and Halo rules. Rest will be posted shortly... COD-BLOPS2-Rules-4.20.13.pdf Halo-4-Rules-LAN-4.20.13 (1).pdf
  4. sounds good, gotta get the games first. Talk to Michael Huffman see what he says about it
  5. Hey Matt I made you an exec admin and you have a sig now.
  6. Post suggestions for 2013.2 Lan here. Suggestions will be considered for the April 20th LAN.
  7. A LAN Event is where a large group of people get together in intense gaming on a local area network. The overall idea is to have fun playing games while getting to know your community. This LAN Event consists of Console and PC game tournaments. Anyone is welcome to come out and play for free. However, tournaments have a fee of 5$. The prizes vary from games, gift cards, novelty and collective items. The event will be held at Western Carolina University at the University Center in the Illusions room. The doors open at 12pm and the first tournament starts at 2pm. The LAN lasts until midnight and
  8. Next Lan Event is April 20th in Illusions room of University Center at Western Carolina University at 12pm-12am. This will be the final one of the semester and the largest. We are actively looking for sponsors and have high expectations for large prizes. Games will be decided upon the March 9th lan turnout and votes for games. Flyers will also be out within a few days of deciding the games. If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to post.
  9. if people show up and want it, then it will be played at the april 20th lan.
  10. A Lan Event is where a large group of people get together in intense gaming. The overall idea is to have fun playing games while getting to know your community. This Lan Event consists of Console and PC game tournaments. The event will be hosted in the Illusions room of the University Center at Western Carolina University on March 9th 2013 at 2pm-12am. Anyone is welcome to come out and play for free. However, tournaments have a fee of 5$ and if you are entering the first tournament you need to get their a bit early for you to setup. The prizes vary from games, gift cards, novelty and collectiv
  11. There is a Lan Event in the Illusions Room of the University Center on March, 9th, 2013 at 2pm-12am. There will be Pizza, donuts, subs, snacks, and drinks. Anyone is welcome to come and join the community in fun. If you are the competitive type, we have tournaments with prizes ranging from gift cards, movies, apparel, upgrade parts, and accessories. We welcome and thank all past members and alumni that join this event. The games are... PC: League of Legends, Battle Field 3, Team Fortress 2, & StarCraft 2 Xbox: Halo 4 & Black Ops 2 PS3: PlayStation Al
  12. Backstreet Airsoft is a proud sponsor of Whee Game and we appreciate their help. Here is their link for all you airsoft enthusiasts. They are located at 567 Mill Street, Sylva, NC, 28723. I walked in and was amazed by all the different airsoft guns. The deals were great and Jeff Moss (Moses) was a very cool guy. http://www.facebook.com/backstreetairsoft?fref=ts
  13. Its in the UC until Benton RD notifies me.
  14. Hi all, There will be a meeting Tuesday at 7pm in Benton lobby or Student lounge in the UC to discuss some changes and agree on times for games. There will also be another election for VP for PC because Josh Rudd has some personal issues to attend to. SGA has agreed to reactivate us within a few days and they will need a updated member list. Everyone needs to go to orgsync and join if you are a student on campus! After this review the constitution is in full affect and the club will be solid again. Continue to look for sponsors and apply for admin if you would like to help monitor the serv
  15. Yes, it is true. Simply T's is now a proud sponsor of WCU gaming club Whee Game. They are providing shirts for all executives and advisors. If anyone outside of this group would like a shirt contact Matthew Wiard or I to try to get you one. They will be grey with the new theme print and on the back will have the executive position and name. We may consider shirts as a prize or to people of great importance. However, we cannot guarantee shirts outside of the agreement without Simply T's permission. It is great to have an on campus sponsor and I would love to see this great connection last.
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